Greetings One and All!
We are pleased to be hosting the 28th African American Festival! It will be held on September 14, 2024 in Ralph Sampson Park.

The Harrisonburg & Rockingham African American Festival Committee, welcomes you to our page! We have an exciting event planned with everyone in mind. Perhaps you will be visiting the exhibits, mingling with the Craft vendors, visiting with Community Row participants or just having a great meal from one of our many wonderful food vendors, there will be something for everyone.

Since the first year in 1993, the festival has strived to share with Harrisonburg and the surrounding communities a day of great fellowship, fun, and food. Through the years we’ve worked hard to exhibit the many aspects of our rich African American heritage as well as the heritage of our Northeast Community. We are pleased and excited to have each of you join us today and hope you will find today’s festival the most exciting yet! We certainly hope you will find the day to be an enjoyable, relaxing day at the park! 

We are always looking for new talent to help us continue this great festival! If you are feeling the desire to serve and are willing to work hard, please provide a festival committee member with your contact information.

In closing, the Festival Committee thanks each of you for supporting the festivals over the years and for supporting our upcoming 28th Annual African American Festival! Our visitors and guests are our greatest assets today and tomorrow, and we could not accomplish what we do without your support. I am ever grateful to the committee members for all their hard work and dedication to help bring the festival to you today. To all of our sponsors, vendors, artists, and volunteers, we say THANK YOU! Our respect and thanks go out to all of you!

Please come out on September 14, from 12pm - 6pm to and enjoy our 28th Annual African American Festival!

Community Impact

The Harrisonburg African American Festival is more than just an event; it's a celebration of community, heritage, and togetherness. Our festival aims to:

  • Promote Cultural Awareness: Through our events and activities, we strive to educate and inform the wider community about African American culture and history.

  • Support Local Artists and Businesses: We provide a platform for local artists, performers, and vendors to showcase their talents and products.

  • Foster Unity and Inclusivity: Our festival is a space where everyone is welcome, fostering a sense of unity and inclusivity within the community.

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in making the Harrisonburg African American Festival a success. Whether you want to volunteer, perform, or become a vendor, there are many ways to get involved and contribute to this meaningful event.

  • Volunteers: Help us with the planning and execution of the festival. Contact us at

  • Performers and Speakers: Showcase your talent or share your knowledge.

  • Vendors: Sell your products and services at our festival. Apply